Xing Wei deeply care about green energy initiatives in the maritime industry, striving to integrate eco-friendly practices into every facet of our operations. From leveraging innovative technologies to adopting sustainable ship design and operation practices, we are dedicated to minimising our ecological footprint.

Electric Driven Container Transit Vessel

BSC1 Containerised Energy Storage System

Hybrid Energy Storage Systems (HESS) brings together different generation, storage, & consumption technologies in a single system, improving the overall benefits compared to a system that depends on a single source. This particular application was designed as a combination of conventional, non-renewable generation (e.g., diesel generators) with Battery Energy Storage Systems.
Benefits of Containerized Energy Storage System & Battery Characteristic
Lower Capex
Installation of HESS without major reworks/ modifications to your vessel. The modular on deck solution can also be easily expanded with extra battery capacity at a later stage.
Long Life Cycle
Batteries have been extensively tested to achieve a reliable long life cycle battery solution, resulting in lower operational costs & a lower Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) .

Ease of Installation
Basically, all the equipment (Batteries / controls / aux equipment) is installed in a single container. It will make the onboard installation process very easy and fast
Lightweight & Compact

The cells are lightweight and compact which are made for more energy-efficient vessel operations and allow a more efficient space planning onboard the space sparce vessel. For the same weight loading and space, our battery solutions provide a higher capacity and performance solutions.

Safety is our priority. The cells and systems are designed with optimized safety features and considerations in mind.
Fast Charging Capability

The batteries have a balanced performance portfolio and enables high charging capability while maintaining its light weight and compact features. In addition, the battery system can also be designed and equipped with the fast charge function for opportunistic fast charging.

Wind Turbine Installation Vessel
A wind turbine installation vessel (WTIV) is a specialised marine vessel designed for the installation, maintenance, and servicing of offshore wind turbines. These vessels play a crucial role in the rapidly growing renewable energy industry, as they are essential for deploying wind farms in offshore locations.
Contact us for Dynamic Positioning Consultancy and Ship Brokerage service

Emissions Reduction
Administrative efforts can effectively reduce emissions through digitalisation by utilising technology and data-driven strategies to optimise processes, reduce energy consumption, and improve overall efficiency. Here are ways administrative actions can reduce emissions through digitalisation: