Dynamic Positioning
Our Xing Wei auditors have extensive experience in conducting over 1032 comprehensive Dynamic Positioning (DP) trials, Failure Mode Effect and Analysis (FMEA) Proving trials and bespoke development of vessel-specific DP operational guidelines gives you a competitive edge over competitors - as certified by Bureau Veritas (BV) and accredited for our compliance to ISO 9001:2015.
The DP services provided by Xing Wei are certified by IMCA and have been accredited since 2011
Development of DP FMEA Proving Trial Programmes
The DP FMEA Proving Trial is a series of controlled failure mode tests which are intended to prove the findings of the desktop FMEA and, where there are any doubts about any failure modes from the desktop analysis, eliminate these doubts by carrying out on-board testing in a safe and practical manner.
The FMEA testing will demonstrate:
The redundancy concept.
The effectiveness of system protection functions.
Stability of the system under the full range of load/ operational conditions.
Monitoring functions.
Degraded and failure conditions.
Failure Modes and Effects Analysis (FMEA) is a step-by-step approach for identifying all possible failures in a design, a manufacturing or assembly process, or a product or service. "Failure Modes" means the ways, or modes, in which something might fail. Failures are any errors or defects, especially ones that affect the user and can be potential or actual. "Effects Analysis" refers to studying the consequences of those failures. It is commonly applied to systems that cannot fail even when several critical components in the system have.
Annual DP Trial
The Annual DP Trial is a series of tests to verify the integrity of the DP system. The trial improves the safety of the operations by encouraging vessel operators to carry out detailed, auditable tests on an annual basis, and verifying that the DP system is fully functional, well maintained and that the FMEA established remains valid.
The trial provides a common standard approach for the auditing and accepting of DP vessels by client companies that adequately discharge their duty of care to the satisfaction of their regulatory bodies; makes the DP testing and acceptance process more efficient and thus save the industry time and unnecessary cost; provides failure response awareness, training and experience to DP personnel.
The Annual Trial will demonstrate:
The vessel’s ability to maintain position following identified single failures.
The DP system is fully functional and well maintained.
Contributes to the effective management of the FMEA.
Ensures the best use of the time available for DP system tests.
The trial also provides an opportunity for training of the vessel’s crew, some of whom may be new to the vessel, particularly with respect to the effects of failures within the system and the actions to be taken in the event of those failures occurring.
The Annual DP Trial is carried out after the DP FMEA Proving Trial Programme is done and usually takes about 1 to 2 days.
FMEA Proving Trials focus on proving that the worst-case failure design intent is not exceeded and that failure effects are as expected. There may also be a greater degree of uncertainty regarding failure effects and the provision of alarms to indicate that the redundancy concept has been compromised. FMEA proving trials may include exploratory trials designed to provide clarity of assumptions made during the analysis or additional information about how the redundancy concept functions.
Annual Trial focuses on proving that the DP system is fully functional and well maintained and the redundancy concept remains intact. In addition to being a functional test of the DP system the tests, whilst not being of a destructive nature, should also seek to establish continued compliance of the system with respect to the worst case failure design intent (WCFDI) for its defined operating modes.
5th Yearly FMEA Proving Trial
Five-years is generally accepted as a reasonable period within which to carry out an extended test which is focused on; firstly, demonstrating and confirming the level of redundancy that was established in the FMEA and secondly, demonstrating the continued functionality of the DP system. Therefore, it is an extension to the DP annual trials and can include tests from the initial DP FMEA proving trials, which are designed to prove the original redundancy design intent of the DP system.
​DP Health Check
The DP Health Check is a comprehensive assessment of the operability of the DP system and its vital components such as network switches, remote control units, I/O connections, DP UPS and sensors. Xing Wei provides a full system checks and produces a report attached with relevant photographic evidence to give confidence in the operability of the DP system.
Operational Activity Planning
The DP Operational Activity Planning Guide provides an overview of methods used in the planning and execution of offshore marine vessel projects and routine offshore support activities.
Operational Activity Planning Guide will address:
Define the vessel’s systems/equipment configuration appropriate to the location and the activity the vessel is undertaking (CAM or TAM);
Define the variable limits in equipment and operational parameters for the location and specific activity (ASOG);
Define the actions to be taken by the key vessel personnel in response to faults and deteriorating conditions;
Present the guidance to key vessel personnel in a user friendly, easy to understand decision support tool.
The Operational Activity Planning usually takes about a week.
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